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Renée Sadler
t: 61 2 9260 273161 2 9260 2731
m: 61 418 169 74061 418 169 740
o: Sydney
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Renée is an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law. She specialises in insurance litigation with a focus on CTP claims and fraud. Her expertise extends to indemnity disputes, dual insurance and recovery issues.
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Mark Sainsbury
t: +61 7 3016 5033+61 7 3016 5033
m: +61 408 687 770+61 408 687 770
o: Brisbane
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Mark is an experienced defendant insurance lawyer who has acted for insured and insurer clients for the duration of his career. Mark's experience spans defending both professional indemnity and public liability claims across a variety of industries, with particular focus on defending claims arising from within the legal, medical and aviation arenas.
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Leon Sakaris
t: +61 2 9260 2642+61 2 9260 2642
m: +61 414 908 008+61 414 908 008
o: Sydney
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Leon is a senior property partner who primarily advises on major development projects where his skills in structuring joint ventures and negotiating finance facilities are highly valued by clients ranging from developers to government entities.
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Phillip Salem
State & Territory Government Leader
t: +61 2 9373 1436+61 2 9373 1436
o: Sydney
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Phillip has been with Sparke Helmore for over 20 years.  He served as the firm's National Managing Partner from 2016 until March 2022, leading the implementation of the firm’s strategy with the vision of being a world-class independent Australian law firm that clients value for its people and performance.  Phillip also served as the firm’s Chair from 2009 to 2012 and as a member of the firm’s Board from 2014.
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Melissa Scriva
Senior Associate
t: +61 2 9260 2659+61 2 9260 2659
o: Sydney
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Melissa advises clients on Commonwealth workers' compensation claims and specialises in administrative law, immigration law, statutory compensation law and litigation.
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Matthew Seisun
National Practice Group Leader
t: +61 2 9260 2699+61 2 9260 2699
o: Sydney
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Matthew's insurance practice includes personal injury, compulsory third party (CTP), property damage, product liability, marine and business interruption claims. He specialises in major and catastrophic personal injury matters, and has a particular interest in brain injuries, spinal injuries and complex psychiatric conditions. Matthew is an appointed member of the NSW Health Professional Council Authority and is listed in the 2017 Doyle's Guide as a Leading lawyer for Public and Products Liability, and a Recommended lawyer for CTP.
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Melanie Shanahan
Senior Associate
t: +61 2 9260 2442+61 2 9260 2442
m: +61 438 999 265+61 438 999 265
o: Sydney
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Melanie is an insurance litigator with experience spanning various fields of insurance law, including public liability, product liability and professional indemnity claims. Melanie also works in the not-for-profit sector, assisting charitable and religious organisations responding to child abuse claims.
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Rushil Sharma
Special Counsel
t: +61 2 6263 6345+61 2 6263 6345
m: +61 433 859 693+61 433 859 693
o: Canberra
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Rushil is an experienced commercial lawyer who provides commercially pragmatic and trusted legal advice to Commonwealth Government agencies across a range of procurement and contracting, probity, privacy and freedom of information (FOI) matters.
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Ashley Sherr
Senior Associate
t: +61 3 9291 2224+61 3 9291 2224
o: Melbourne
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Ashley is a lawyer specialising in the areas of employment, industrial relations and safety. Ashley’s employment and industrial relations work sees him involved in a broad range of matters including advising clients on the management of employees (e.g. disciplinary, performance and capacity for work issues), defending employers in unfair dismissal and general protections claims, advising on underpayment claims and the application and interpretation of enterprise agreements and modern awards. Ashley’s safety work involves advising clients on compliance with work health and safety (WHS) legislation, assisting clients with incident management (including regulatory investigations) and acting for defendants in WHS prosecutions.
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Naomi Simmons
t: +61 2 4924 7325+61 2 4924 7325
m: +61 410 415 416+61 410 415 416
o: Newcastle
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Naomi is an Accredited Specialist in Local Government and Planning Law and also practises environment law. Naomi’s focus includes Land and Environment Court litigation, drafting and negotiating planning agreements and advising on planning and environment legislation in NSW.
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Leigh Simpkin
Senior Associate
t: +61 2 9260 2465+61 2 9260 2465
o: Sydney
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Leigh is experienced in environmental law and policy. She has over 20 years experience in roles such as corporate inhouse counsel, and in government and NGO roles. She also has experience in planning and environment law and most recently has worked in mining and native roles.
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Samantha Smith
Special Counsel
t: +61 2 4924 7343+61 2 4924 7343
o: Newcastle
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Samantha specialises in negotiating and advising on construction and infrastructure projects in the commercial, retail, large scale infrastructure and retirement living/aged care sectors.
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Shannon Steed
Special Counsel
t: +61 7 3016 5010+61 7 3016 5010
o: Brisbane
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Shannon has more than 10 years' experience, predominantly in the insurance industry, working with defendants and large self-insurers.
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Merryn Stewart
Head of Marketing & Communications
t: +61 2 9260 2591+61 2 9260 2591
o: Sydney
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Merryn has worked for many years across brand, marketing and communications. She spent 18 years based in London working for various legal and accounting firms, before returning to Australia in 2008 to continue her career in professional services.
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Jocelyn Sutcliffe
Senior Associate
t: +61 2 9260 2424+61 2 9260 2424
o: Sydney
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Jocelyn is an experienced litigator and specialises in broad disputes and investigations. She works closely on complex commercial disputes, bankruptcy and insolvency matters, alternative dispute resolution and competition law litigation. Jocelyn also has corporate advisory experience and regularly appears in courts and tribunals on behalf of her clients.
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Sonja Swansborough
Director Know-How
t: +61 2 9373 1438+61 2 9373 1438
m: +61 447 812 572+61 447 812 572
o: Sydney
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Sonja has over 18 years' experience in knowledge and information management—primarily in the legal industry. She specialises in knowledge management (KM) frameworks and programs, as well as the technologies and processes for managing intranets, websites and knowledge tools.
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