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Darren Rankine
t: +61 2 4924 7239+61 2 4924 7239
m: +61 414 271 697+61 414 271 697
o: Newcastle
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Darren specialises in advising on, documenting and negotiating construction and infrastructure projects in the commercial, university, mining, maritime, water industry, retail and residential sectors.
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Bernadette Rayment
t: +61 2 9373 1480+61 2 9373 1480
m: +61 403 501 079+61 403 501 079
o: Sydney
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Bernadette is a highly experienced and respected Commonwealth administrative law advocate who has represented Commonwealth agencies in thousands of merits review, judicial review and statutory interpretation matters for more than three decades.
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Anthony Reilly
t: +61 2 6263 6304+61 2 6263 6304
m: +61 417 068 670+61 417 068 670
o: Canberra
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Sarah Richards
Special Counsel
t: +61 8 9288 8057+61 8 9288 8057
m: +61 447 762 576+61 447 762 576
o: Perth
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Sarah is an experienced litigator and insurance lawyer. She advises insurers, corporations and professionals on a broad range of commercial disputes, with a particular focus on professional indemnity (PI) and directors' & officers' (D&O) matters.
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Chris Rimmer
t: +61 8 9492 2288+61 8 9492 2288
m: +61 412 365 825+61 412 365 825
o: Perth
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Chris is an experienced insurance law practitioner with expertise in public and product liability, professional indemnity, workers' compensation and motor vehicle personal injury claims.
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Carly Roberts
t: +61 2 4924 7263+61 2 4924 7263
m: +61 401 785 540+61 401 785 540
o: Newcastle
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Carly is an experienced projects, infrastructure and construction lawyer. She assists clients throughout all stages of the project lifecycle, including project structuring, tendering and procurement, contract negotiation, project delivery and dispute resolution.
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Marianne Robinson
Special Counsel
t: +61 2 9260 2755+61 2 9260 2755
m: +61 412 100 884+61 412 100 884
o: Sydney
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Marianne is one of Australia's leading advisors to mutual companies. She has advised this sector for more than 16 years and has been involved with the creation and regulation of many mutual companies.
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Laura Rush
t: +61 2 9260 2767+61 2 9260 2767
m: +61 401 331 387+61 401 331 387
o: Sydney
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Laura manages and advises clients on a broad range of liability matters, particularly those involving complex liability and quantum issues, intentional torts, property damage and statutory classes of insurance. She has appeared in the Local, District and Supreme Courts of NSW and is an experienced practitioner who is commercially minded and always strives to achieve the best results for her clients.
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