
Quality and consistency through collaboration

Commentary, updates, insights
Undefended damages assessment from the NSW District Court

14 June 2024 | timer
This case update concerns an undefended damages assessment.

Comensoli v WQA - Social security payments can be ignored in historical abuse claims

6 June 2024 | timer
An update on the Victorian Court of Appeal dismissing an appeal regarding a potential reduction of an economic loss claim.

EXV v Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust

3 May 2024 | timer
In this case update, we consider the question — when is it appropriate to set aside a Settlement Deed?

High Court case update - Bird v DP (A Pseudonym)

18 March 2024 | timer
An update on the hearing before the full bench of the High Court.

Vicarious liability in the context of historic abuse claims - High Court - DP v Bird

1 March 2024 | timer
The appeal of Bird v DP (A Pseudonym) continues to proceed through the High Court.

High Court denies special leave in RWQ v Catholic Diocese of Melbourne

22 February 2024 | timer
Is this the "second wave" of claims?

A 'new world' in stay of proceedings

10 November 2023 | timer
The High Court has overturned the decision of the NSW Court of Appeal to permanently stay proceedings arising from sexual abuse that occurred over 55 years prior.

Stay of proceedings in historical child abuse claims

5 September 2022
A key recommendation of the Royal Commission was the removal of limitation periods to claims for personal injury that arise from sexual abuse occurring during childhood; all Australian states and territories have legislated to adopt this recommendation with retrospective effect.


Disclaimer on the provision of relevant legislation and regulations - Abuse claims are governed by the relevant legislation, case law, court rules, and the inherent power of the court in each jurisdiction. The following is not an exhaustive list of relevant legislation. We have not provided detail where an Act overrides the powers of another Act. Current as at August 2022.

General Resources

State-based legislative arrangements

Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitations of Actions Act 1974 Section 11A
Setting aside settlement agreements Limitations of Actions Act 1974 Section 48
Liability of institutions Civil Liability Act 2003 Part 2A of Chapter 2
Stay of Proceedings Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999

Limitations of Actions Act 1974
Section 16(g)

Section 11A


New South Wales
Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation Act 1969 Section 6A
Setting aside settlement agreements Civil Liability Act 2002 Part 1C
Liability of institutions Civil Liability Act 2002 Part 1B
Stay of Proceedings Civil Procedure Act 2005

Limitation Act 1969
Section 67

Section 6A


Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation of Actions Act 1958 Sections 27O and 27P
Deeds Limitation of Actions Act 1958 Sections 27QD and 27QE
Liability of institutions Legal Identity of Defendants (Organisational Child Abuse) Act 2018

Wrongs Act 1958
Stay of Proceedings Limitation of Actions Act 1958

Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2015
Section 27R

Regulation 23.1


Australian Capital Territory
Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation Act 1985 Section 21C
Setting aside settlement agreements Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 currently before the Legislative Assembly. The Bill amends the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 to set aside unjust institutional child abuse settlement agreements Part 8A.3 (proposed)
Liability of institutions Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 Chapter 8A
Stay of Proceedings Limitation Act 1985 Section 21C


South Australia
Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation of Actions Act 1936 Section 3A
Setting aside settlement agreements Civil Liability Act 1936 Part 7B
Liability of institutions Civil Liability Act 1936 Part 7A
Stay of Proceedings Uniform Civil Rules 2020

Limitation of Actions Act 1936
Rule 12.1 (2)(o)

Section 3A


Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation Act 1974 Section 5B
Setting aside settlement agreements Limitation Act 1974 Section 5C(3)
Liability of institutions Civil Liability Act 2002 Part 10C
Stay of Proceedings Supreme Court Rules 2000  


Northern Territory
Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation Act 1981 Section 5A
Setting aside settlement agreements Limitation Act 1981 Sections 53(2) and 54
Liability of institutions The Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Amendment Bill 2022 passed the Assembly in March 2022, but has not yet been assented to by the Administrator. The Bill amends the Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Act 2003. Part 3A (proposed)
Stay of Proceedings Northern Territory of Australia Supreme Court Rules Order 23.01; inherent court power


Western Australia
Issue Legislation Relevant Sections
Limitation Limitation Act 2005 Section 6A
Setting aside settlement agreements Limitation Act 2005 Section 92
Liability of institutions Civil Liability Act 2002 Part 2A
Stay of Proceedings Limitation Act 2005

District Court Rules 2005

District Court Act 1969 (WA)

Supreme Court Act 1935 (WA)
Section 6A

Rule 24 (2) (p)

Sections 6 and 50

Section 16 (1) (d) (i)



Gillian Davidson
Gillian Davidson
t: +61 2 9373 3535+61 2 9373 3535
m: +61 404 828 264+61 404 828 264
o: Sydney
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Emily McKeowen
Emily McKeowen
t: +61 2 9260 2404+61 2 9260 2404
m: +61 425 316 554+61 425 316 554
o: Sydney
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Yvette McLaughlin
Yvette McLaughlin
t: +61 7 3016 5072+61 7 3016 5072
m: +61 410 280 219+61 410 280 219
o: Brisbane
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