
Quality and consistency through collaboration

Professional Indemnity

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We are results-orientated, rather than process driven, to assist our clients arrive at an end point sooner.

Professional indemnity claims are rarely straightforward. We work closely with insurers, insureds and brokers—being all too aware how sensitive these matters can be—and agree on a strategy based on the claim’s merits and likely path. 

We defend professional indemnity claims across a variety of professions including accountants, auditors, architects/engineers, barristers, insurance brokers, design and construct professionals, financial advisers, fund managers, health professionals, IT consultants, lawyers, and real estate professionals.

We are well versed in advising on nuanced aspects of concurrent wrongdoer regimes across all Australian states and territories that are frequently invoked in these claims. We also represent professionals in disciplinary matters brought by regulators or professional associations.

Whilst we focus on claims involving financial wrongdoing, the broad spectrum of matters we act on ranges from straightforward errors and omissions to claims involving complex financial instruments. We provide clear and concise commercial advice to facilitate the early resolution of these matters.

Team leader

Senior team

John Coorey
John Coorey
t: +61 2 9260 2461+61 2 9260 2461
m: +61 418 406 743+61 418 406 743
o: Sydney
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Kiley Hodges
Kiley Hodges
t: +61 7 3016 5007+61 7 3016 5007
m: +61 400 860 865+61 400 860 865
o: Brisbane
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David Kerwin
David Kerwin
t: +61 7 3016 5128+61 7 3016 5128
m: +61 498 000 421+61 498 000 421
o: Brisbane
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Dino Liistro
Dino Liistro
t: +61 2 9373 3541+61 2 9373 3541
m: +61 413 459 717+61 413 459 717
o: Sydney
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Janette McLennan
Janette McLennan
t: +61 2 9260 2803+61 2 9260 2803
m: +61 408 751 683+61 408 751 683
o: Sydney
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