The Evolving Workplace podcast series: Reasonable directions and the duty to ensure health and safety in the COVID-normal workplace
03 May 2021Welcome to our latest episode in the Evolving Workplace podcast series hosted by Partner Brendan Charles and featuring Senior Associate Susan Withycombe-Taperell and Associate Ashley Sherr.
As circumstances continue to evolve in the COVID-normal world, this podcast follows up the issues first raised in our March 2021 update The power to make lawful and reasonable directions in a COVID normal world.
In this episode, Susan and Ashley answer questions relating to COVID-19 in the workplace. They discuss the ability for employers to give lawful and reasonable directions for employees to return to the office and be vaccinated against COVID-19. They also discuss employers’ WHS obligations as they apply in a COVID-normal workplace.
To listen to this edition, go to The Evolving Workplace: Reasonable directions and the duty to ensure health and safety in the COVID-normal workplace and be directed to Sparke Helmore's podcast page on our website or listen on Podbean through The Sparke Cast host page.
Further information
We hope you enjoy our latest episode and if you would like to find out more we encourage you to get in touch with Brendan Charles, Susan Withycombe-Taperell, Ashley Sherr or our Workplace Team.