The Evolving Workplace: Mandatory vaccination policies - what employers need to know
18 August 2021In this “Evolving Workplace” episode, Felicity Edwards and Ben Gottlieb from our Workplace team, and Chantal Tipene, a privacy specialist from our Government team, discuss mandatory COVID vaccination policies in the workplace, and the obligations employers may have from a privacy perspective when they collect information about their employees’ vaccination status.
This is a complex and nuanced issue; in the podcast we discuss:
In what circumstances can an employer provide a lawful and reasonable direction to an employee to have a vaccination?
To what extent can Work Health and Safety obligations be relied upon as a reason to introduce a mandatory vaccination policy?
Key Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) considerations for employers to be mindful of when collecting and storing employee vaccination information.
To hear the podcast, go to The Evolving Workplace: Mandatory vaccination policies—what employers need to know and be directed to Sparke Helmore's podcast page on our website or listen on Podbean through The Sparke Cast host page.
Further information
We hope you find the podcast informative and helpful. If you have any questions regarding the issues raised within the discussion, please get in touch with one of our presenters.
Until next time, stay safe