
Quality and consistency through collaboration

Media releases

16 September 2021 | Sparke Helmore is proud to sponsor two events at the 2021 Dive In Festival
This year's festival theme-"ActiveAllyship"—highlights a need to create and empower diversity and inclusion allies to take action, rather than just talk.
19 August 2021 | Sparke Helmore welcomes two new Board members
Sparke Helmore Lawyers has appointed two new Board members to work alongside the Chairman in delivering the firm's strategy.
22 July 2021 | Alexandra Wedutenko joins Sparke Helmore's Government team
Alexandra is a leading Government, IT and telecommunications lawyer, known in the market for her skilful management of significant Commonwealth and state government procurement projects.
21 July 2021 | Gillian Davidson recognised in the Insurance Business Elite Women in Insurance list
Congratulations to Gillian Davidson, one of 42 female leaders recognised in the 2021 Insurance Business' Elite Women in Insurance list.
15 July 2021 | Three new Sparke Helmore partners announced
Sparke Helmore Lawyers is proud to announce our three newly promoted partners.
15 July 2021 | Sparke Helmore congratulates Partner Michelle Taylor on her new appointment as President of MLAANZ
Michelle’s appointment to MLAANZ is a reflection of her experience and true recognition of her standing in, and dedication to, the maritime legal community.
07 July 2021 | Changes to the Producer Offset Regime
As part of a package of support measures for the film and television industry announced in 2020, changes to the Producer Offset Regime came into effect as from 1 July 2021.
23 June 2021 | Risk Radar - Key insurance issues to watch out for across 22 countries including Australia
Global Insurance Law Connect (GILC) this week launched its third annual Risk Radar.
28 April 2021 | Taking a pledge to ensure workplace respect and safety-#IStandForRespect
We stand in support of the Diversity Council Australia's latest campaign to make Australian workplaces respectful and safe.
21 April 2021 | Sparke Helmore appointed to Zurich's new APAC panel for large and complex losses
Zurich Insurance has introduced a new legal panel for large and complex claims in Asia-Pacific. Sparke Helmore is delighted to confirm its successful appointment to the panel through its association with Global Insurance Law Connect.


Merryn Stewart
Merryn Stewart
Head of Marketing & Communications
t: +61 2 9260 2591+61 2 9260 2591
o: Sydney
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