Privacy Act Reform: signalling significant changes ahead
17 February 2023
On 16 February 2023, Government released its report into the review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) (click here). The report makes 116 proposals to modernise the Privacy Act, which will improve the privacy rights of individuals and clarify the privacy responsibilities of agencies and organisations. The OAIC's powers will also be further enhanced, as will the penalty regime for breaches of privacy. All agencies and organisations, including small businesses, will be affected.
Government is seeking feedback to the report by 31 March 2023 (see Government response to the Privacy Act Review Report - Attorney-General's Department - Citizen Space (
We discuss below our top 10 issues.
Stay tuned for Sparke Helmore updates on this significant reform – see our Cyber and Privacy page for more information or contact Chantal for details.