
Quality and consistency through collaboration

Training and Education

Expertise - Training and Education - banner

Building foundations

We offer training on a range of topics to help Australian organisations build skills and capabilities, which supports legal compliance within their workforce.

Our legal experts are known for their pragmatic approach and ability to distil complex legal concepts in a way that is relevant to your industry.

The sessions we have outlined below can be tailored for any number of attendees and a duration and format that works best for you. Additional topics will be added from time to time.

If you have any questions or require more information, complete and submit the form below.


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Modern Slavery

An introduction to modern slavery and discussions on how current legislation (and proposed amendments) could impact your organisation.

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Contracts 101

An overview of the fundamentals of what a contract is, how it is formed and the "red flag" issues to beware of.

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Contract Management 101

An overview of contract management including why it is needed and tools for managing complex contracts.

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Indemnities in Commercial Contracts

A session to provide an understanding of the need for and effect of contractual indemnities and how to prepare indemnity provisions.

Government Legal Training Service

We offer bespoke and scaleable legal training services for government executives, legal teams and operational staff. These range from targeted seminars to tailored workshops and enterprise-wide organisational capability programs.

Find out more about our Government Legal Training Service here.

Enquire now

To find out more about our training sessions, please enter your details in the form below.

Firm-wide Services - Training and Education