
Quality and consistency through collaboration

Company Secretarial

Expertise - Corporate & Commercial - Banner - Company secretarial

Meeting your governance, compliance and disclosure obligations

You could be running a start-up, a private company, a listed company or the Australian branch of an international company that needs a local agent—our company secretarial services are tailored to the needs of your business.

We can assist with your governance, corporate secretarial and technical advisory needs, including compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the ASX Listing Rules and other applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.

We can do it all—incorporation processes, corporate governance advice and day-to-day corporate management, including filing services and board assistance. For listed companies, we provide ASX-related advice, including around continuous disclosure, listing requirements and ASX corporate governance principles. We’re an ASIC Registered Agent, so we can help you lodge company-related documents with ASIC.

We’re practical, pro-active and commercially aware. 

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